Canción del día: Glukoza – Schweine

Dedicada para Sertx, que es una persona excelente y cumple años y además está de vacaciones y me ha dejado aquí haciendo backups y demás mierdas que no comprendo del todo pero que hago por si acaso mientras él está ahí en Baraka que pin que pan tumbando aguja en el GTA IV y escuchando Vladivostok FM a cuchillo.

De ahí (de la BSO) está sacada esta canción cuyo vidrio protagoniza el cochino de Rebelión en la granja. Un abrazo Sertx!! Descansa!! Quepín quepán!!

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Letra en inglés (aunque en realidad la tipa es rusa):

Flow of cars, I arrived peacefully
Without control and with obstacles in my head
I’m going home
Step, step, step – I ended up in the dark again
For the third time I was completely deceived
Already by you

I won’t forgive, and the head goes*
I want to choose the words for them

One, two, three
Swanky-swanky pigs

One, two, three
Swanky-swanky pigs

Quid pro quo – now a strike for the honest**
I’m in motion top center
Now you aren’t mine
Piggy boy, I in no way expected
That I’m flying into a bum deal again
Now with you


[Man speaking Russian in background:]
Attention! Attention!
To all cheaters of girl’s hearts,
You are ordered to gather together and go on…
Or try to turn from pigs into people
And not cheat on those who love you.

[Woman speaking German in background:]
Attention! Attention!
This is for all liars who broke the heart of a woman,
You are given the order to stick close together,
and, erm, oh-oh, or try to turn from pigs into people
and never lie again to the ones who love you.

2 thoughts to “Canción del día: Glukoza – Schweine”

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